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What You Should Do If Your Dog Is Hit By a Car

Dog safety is a crucial subject that every pet owner should take seriously. Many factors contribute to dog safety, including training, secure fences, and keeping them on a leash. But despite taking all necessary precautions, accidents can still occur. It's crucial to know what to do in cases of an emergency.


Understanding the Emergency

A situation where a dog gets hit by a car is an emergency that requires immediate action. It's a traumatic experience for both the dog and the owner. The severity of the injury depends on various factors like the speed of the car, the size of the dog, and the area of impact. Injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe internal injuries or fractures.

When your dog gets hit by a car, it's normal to panic. However, try to remain calm. Your dog will sense your stress, which could exacerbate the situation.


Immediate Actions

In the event your dog is hit by a car, there are a few critical steps you should take. First, ensure your safety and the safety of others around. Then, try to stabilize your dog before rushing them to the nearest veterinary clinic. Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do:

1.     Check Your Safety: Before you rush to your injured dog, check the immediate surroundings. Ensure it's safe to approach, and there's no risk of another accident.

2.     Approach Your Dog Calmly: Approach your dog slowly and calmly. Speak to them in a soothing voice. Keep in mind, they might be scared and confused.

3.     Call for Help: Dial your local emergency veterinary clinic or your vet, inform them about the situation, and ask for immediate advice.

4.     Stabilize Your Dog: If your dog is unconscious, perform CPR. If they're bleeding, apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth.

5.     Transport Your Dog to the Veterinarian: Carefully place your dog on a flat surface such as a board or blanket, and transport them to the emergency center.


Taking Care of Your Dog After the Accident

After your dog has been treated for their injuries, the recovery process begins. This is a crucial time and requires your patience and care. Your veterinarian will provide specific instructions based on your dog's injuries, but here are some general tips:

Rest and Comfort: Your dog needs plenty of rest to recover. Provide a comfortable, quiet space where they can relax without interruption.

Follow Veterinarian’s Instructions: Adhere to your doctors instructions regarding medication, wound care, diet, and exercise.

Monitor Your Dog: Keep a close eye on your dog's behavior, appetite, and wound healing progress. Any significant changes should be reported to the veterinarian immediately.


How to Prevent Car Accidents Involving Dogs

Prevention is always better than cure. Although not all accidents can be prevented, there are steps you can take to significantly reduce the risk:

Training: Train your dog to obey basic commands like "stay," "sit," and "come." This could prevent them from running into the street.

Secure Your Property: Ensure your yard is secure. Install a dog-proof fence and always close gates and doors.

Leash Your Dog: Always keep your dog on a leash when outside your secured property, especially near traffic.


Keeping Your Dog Safe from Traffic Accidents

Understanding what to do if your dog gets hit by a car can potentially save your pet's life. It's crucial to remain calm, ensure safety, stabilize your dog, and seek immediate veterinary care. Afterwards, diligent aftercare and monitoring are vital for your dog's recovery. Additionally, taking preventive measures and preparing a dog emergency kit can go a long way in keeping your beloved pet safe.

For more information on what to do if your dog gets hit by a car, visit Animal Emergency Center of Temple-Belton at our facility in Temple, Texas. Please call (254) 231-3774 to discuss any questions with our team of experts.

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